Schneider Crocodile land torpedo second version 1915 (cable guided explosive machine)
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
The Delahaye Landship
"As early as 1918 Amadeus Varlet had proposed this articulated tracked vehicle which could be used as a breakthrough tank. This project was in itself the development of earlier research by automobiles Delahaye design bureau about articulated chassis to improve the terrain following abilities of a vehicle. Note in this respect that if the sketch only depicts two bodies linked together, the text of the project suggests that more than two bodies could be thus attached.
A few months later the final design appeared with a two gun turret, one gun in the front module and machine guns for defense purpose. The turret guns were fixed to the turret frame and aiming was done by rotating the turret itself. The turret could be pointed from minus 2 degrees to plus 60 degrees and traversed on 360 degrees therefore according to the designer, not only tank to tank but also tank to airplane combat was possible. This was then a French Flakpanzer IV Kugelblitz which was offered more than 25 years before the German version. In 1918 trench warfare was still very much a concern, hence a gadget was provided where the center of gravity of the machine can be moved rearward to help crossing a trench by moving back the turret along the frame!"
Delahaye Landship 1918
A few months later the final design appeared with a two gun turret, one gun in the front module and machine guns for defense purpose. The turret guns were fixed to the turret frame and aiming was done by rotating the turret itself. The turret could be pointed from minus 2 degrees to plus 60 degrees and traversed on 360 degrees therefore according to the designer, not only tank to tank but also tank to airplane combat was possible. This was then a French Flakpanzer IV Kugelblitz which was offered more than 25 years before the German version. In 1918 trench warfare was still very much a concern, hence a gadget was provided where the center of gravity of the machine can be moved rearward to help crossing a trench by moving back the turret along the frame!"
Delahaye Landship 1918
some rare biggest and heaviest tanks of world war one era
Holt 200ton Trench Destroyer 1916 (200 tons)
(intended to be armed with six cannons, twenty machine guns and one flamethrower)
Tritton Foster Flying Elephant tank first version 1916
Tritton Foster Flying Elephant tank second version 1916 (the placement of the weapons remind of the A7V sturmpanzerwagen of 1917)
(and the first version and the second version were 100 tons)
Tritton Foster Battletank 1916 (100 tons)
Holt 200ton Trench Destroyer 1916 (200 tons)
(intended to be armed with six cannons, twenty machine guns and one flamethrower)
Tritton Foster Flying Elephant tank first version 1916
Tritton Foster Flying Elephant tank second version 1916 (the placement of the weapons remind of the A7V sturmpanzerwagen of 1917)
(and the first version and the second version were 100 tons)
Tritton Foster Battletank 1916 (100 tons)
FCM 1A 1916 (45 tons)
Mendeleyev Tank 1915 (170 tons)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
Mendeleyev Tank 1915 (170 tons)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
K Wagen 1918 (150 tons)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
The Riffard RM-1 RDP rocket biplane
"The RM-1 was a project of 1917 for an interceptor powered by a crown of 48 solid fuel rockets proposed by Marcel Riffard and Gabriel Mollard. The RDP stands for "direct response powder". The airplane was destroyer because it was armed with a 150mm torpedo in the nose, also rocket propelled. The airplane foreshadows exactly the interceptor of "one shot" SNCASO Sud Ouest SO-9000 Trident fourty years later."
Riffard RM-1 RDP rocket biplane 1917 (rocket engined and enclosed flight deck)
The Coanda jet biplane
"The Coanda 1910, designed by Romanian inventor Henri Coanda, was an early sesquiplane which featured an experimental airplane engine, which was later argued as being the first motorjet engine. Coanda used the term "turbo-propulseur" to describe this propulsion design, a complex heat-augmented centrifugal compressor propulsion system with a multi-bladed rotary fan driven by a conventional piston engine. The unconventional airplane attracted attention at the Second International Aeronautical Exhibition in France in October 1910, being the only exhibit without a propeller. Coanda used a similar mechanism to drive a snow sleigh, but did not develop it further for airplane. Coanda himself made a single brief flight in December 1910."
Coanda jet biplane 1910 (jet engined)
The Yuriev Helicopter
"In 1911 B.N.Yuriev (then student) completed development of theoretical concept of a helicopter with single main rotor. This concept included collective and cyclic pitch, anti-torque tail propeller. Layout of his helicopter has now become a classical scheme, so common that it seems that 'it always was that way'.
Planned 70hp Gnome engine was replaced by 30hp Anzani, rotor blades were fixed. Front section was of wooden construction, uncovered rear fuselage was of bamboo. Goals were limited by study of trust and reaction of rotors.
Prototype was ready on Spring 1912, and got a golden medal on the Second International Airplane Show in Russia as a 'remarkable theoretical project'.
Experiments were carried out during Fall 1912.
Yuriev and his fellow students started to develop a unified 'engine-rotor' group to be used in single and multi-rotor helicopters, including engine of their own design. But outbreak of world war one stopped the project completely, its participants were drafted."
Planned 70hp Gnome engine was replaced by 30hp Anzani, rotor blades were fixed. Front section was of wooden construction, uncovered rear fuselage was of bamboo. Goals were limited by study of trust and reaction of rotors.
Prototype was ready on Spring 1912, and got a golden medal on the Second International Airplane Show in Russia as a 'remarkable theoretical project'.
Experiments were carried out during Fall 1912.
Yuriev and his fellow students started to develop a unified 'engine-rotor' group to be used in single and multi-rotor helicopters, including engine of their own design. But outbreak of world war one stopped the project completely, its participants were drafted."
Yuriev Helicopter 1912
Browning M1918 automatic rifle (that is in the battlefield victory, battlefield 1942, battlefield 1918 modification and battlefield 1)
Lewis M1918 automatic rifle
Browning M1919A4 machine gun (that is in the battlefield victory and battlefield 1942 secret weapons of world war two)
Browning M1919A4 machine gun (that is in the battlefield victory and battlefield 1942 secret weapons of world war two)
Christie 155mm self-propelled cannon 1919
Hotchkis M1909 machine gun (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification and battlefield 1)
Hotchkis 37mm M1879 four barrel revolver cannon
Huot M1916 automatic rifle (that is in the battlefield 1)
Saczeany Armored personnel carrier 1918
Anonymous Concrete armored tractor
Hetherington Armored tractor 1914
Anonymous Concrete armored tractor
Hetherington Armored tractor 1914
Killen Strait Armored tractor 1915 (two versions armored tractor)
(those vehicles remind of command and conquer R.T.S.)
(those vehicles remind of command and conquer R.T.S.)
Crompton Emplacement Destroyer No.3 4.5inch self-propelled howitzer 1916

Gun carrier Mark I self-propelled gun 1917 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Gun carrier Mark I self-propelled gun 1917 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
Wilson Tritton Little Willie tank 1915 (the front of the hull reminds of the starwars bipedal vehicle)
Mark D tank 1918

Macfie Amphibious tank 1915

Macfie Landship 1916
HMS M1 submarine 1917 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification and has the hull of a USS Gato submarine of world war two)
HMA R29 1918

Macfie Amphibious tank 1915

Macfie Landship 1916
HMS M1 submarine 1917 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification and has the hull of a USS Gato submarine of world war two)
HMA R29 1918
Dunne D8 1913 (flying wing)
Felixstowe F.2A 1916 (enclosed flight deck)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
Felixstowe F.2A 1916 (enclosed flight deck)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
Wight Quadriplane 1916
Supermarine P.B.31E Nighthawk quadriplane 1917 (enclosed flight deck)
Supermarine P.B.31E Nighthawk quadriplane 1917 (enclosed flight deck)
Fiat 18BL 1914
Fiat Armored railtruck 1915
Ansaldo Turrinelli Landship 1916 (intended to be armed with ten machine guns and twelve flamethrowers)
Ansaldo Magrini Landship 1916
Spezia Fiat San Giorgio Fisalia submarine 1912
Caproni Ca.36S 1915 (enclosed flight deck)
Spezia Fiat San Giorgio Fisalia submarine 1912
Caproni Ca.36S 1915 (enclosed flight deck)
TNCA Salinas tank 1917
Chauchat Ribeyrolles M1918 mitraillette pistolet (submachine gun)
(that is in the battlefield 1)
Chauchat Ribeyrolles M1918 mitraillette pistolet (submachine gun)
(that is in the battlefield 1)
Renault FT STAV self-propelled gun 1918
Saint Chamond 194mm GPF self-propelled cannon 1918
Saint Chamond 280mm TR self-propelled mortar 1918
Schneider 220mm L self-propelled cannon 1917
Saint Chamond Lourd automoteur self-propelled cannon 1918 (considering they managed to put a 280mm gun on a single chassis design, one can ponder what kind of weapon was expected to be carried by the double chassis project)
Saint Chamond 194mm GPF self-propelled cannon 1918
Saint Chamond 280mm TR self-propelled mortar 1918
Schneider 220mm L self-propelled cannon 1917
Saint Chamond Lourd automoteur self-propelled cannon 1918 (considering they managed to put a 280mm gun on a single chassis design, one can ponder what kind of weapon was expected to be carried by the double chassis project)
Pilsudski Armored car 1918
Jezail musket (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
Jezail musket (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
Steyr Hahn M1912-P16 machinen pistole (submachine gun)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification (and doesn't have its shoulder stock for the recoil) and battlefield 1)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification (and doesn't have its shoulder stock for the recoil) and battlefield 1)
Junovicz Panzerwagen 1915 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
Wimmer Panzerauto 1913
Kempner Panzerkraftwagen 1916
Gonsior-Opp-Frank Panzerkraftwagen 1916
Wimmer Panzerauto 1913
Kempner Panzerkraftwagen 1916
Gonsior-Opp-Frank Panzerkraftwagen 1916
MAVAG Typ AE panzerzug 1914 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
Lohner L40 1915 (enclosed flight deck)

Furrer M1919 machinen pistole (submachine gun)
Lohner L40 1915 (enclosed flight deck)

Furrer M1919 machinen pistole (submachine gun)
Rosenberg 37mm trench gun 1915
Lebedenko Tsar, Netopyr armored tractor 1915 (two different versions?)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
Lebedenko Tsar, Netopyr armored tractor 1915 (two different versions?)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)
Filatov Armored tractor 1915 (cannon version and machine gun version)
Bylinski-Hansa-Lloyd Machine gun armored truck 1915
Bylinski-Hansa-Lloyd Cannon armored truck 1917
Russo Balt T 76mm self-propelled AA gun 1915
Blinov Steam tractor 1888
Rybinsk 20ton, Reno Russkiy Tank 1915
Baltic Bars submarine 1914
Russo Balt Gigant airship 1915
Kasyanenko 5 1917
Baltic Bars submarine 1914
Russo Balt Gigant airship 1915
Kasyanenko 5 1917
Grigorovich MK-1 1916 (enclosed flight deck)
Slesarev Svyatogor 1914 (enclosed flight deck)
Sikorsky S-22 1913 (enclosed flight deck)
(that is in the battlefield 1)
Slesarev Svyatogor 1914 (enclosed flight deck)
Sikorsky S-22 1913 (enclosed flight deck)
(that is in the battlefield 1)
Bergmann machinen pistole MP18-I 1918 (submachine gun)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification and battlefield 1)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification and battlefield 1)
Bussing A5P panzerautomobil, strasenpanzerwagen 1915 (that is in the battlefield the great war modification)
Ehrhardt E-V-4 strasenpanzerwagen, radpanzer 1917 (that is in the battlefield the great war modification, battlefield 1918 modification and battlefield 1)
Mannesmann Motoren und Lastwagen AG Panzerkraftwagen 1916
Lanz Gleiskettenschlepper 1918 (supply carrier)
Goebel Landpanzerkreuzer 1917 (possibly it was intended as a troop carrier)

A7V Uberlandwagen 76.2mm flugzeugabwehrkanone 1918 (maybe this was the "Flakpanzer" of world war one)
Daimler Marienwagen I gepanzerter, Bremer Wagen 1916 (armed with four machine guns and one flamethrower)
U-boat Typ U-160 1917
Zeppelin LZ-114 L-72 1918
U-boat Typ U-160 1917
Zeppelin LZ-114 L-72 1918
Junkers R.I 1917 (enclosed flight deck)
Zeppelin Dornier RS.V second version 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
Adlershof R eindecker 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
(nearly the wing span of the Kawanishi KX-3 and nearly the length of the Antonov An-225)
Zeppelin Dornier RS.V second version 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
Adlershof R eindecker 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
(nearly the wing span of the Kawanishi KX-3 and nearly the length of the Antonov An-225)
Zeppelin Dornier RS.I 1915 (enclosed flight deck)
Siemens Schuckert SSW R.III 1916 (enclosed flight deck)
Zschach Flying boat 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
Zeppelin Staaken R.VI 1916 (enclosed flight deck)
(that is in the battlefield the great war modification)
Siemens Schuckert SSW Forssman R second version 1915 (enclosed flight deck)
Siemens Schuckert SSW R.III 1916 (enclosed flight deck)
Zschach Flying boat 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
Zeppelin Staaken R.VI 1916 (enclosed flight deck)
(that is in the battlefield the great war modification)
Siemens Schuckert SSW Forssman R second version 1915 (enclosed flight deck)
Linke Hoffmann R.I 1917 (enclosed flight deck)
Neuber R 1917 (enclosed flight deck)
Siemens Schuckert SSW R.IX 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
Adlershof R doppeldecker 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
Mannesmann Forssman Dreidecker 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
Neuber R 1917 (enclosed flight deck)
Siemens Schuckert SSW R.IX 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
Adlershof R doppeldecker 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
Mannesmann Forssman Dreidecker 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
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