
Tuesday, 27 September 2016


Thompson M1917 Persuader submachine gun

Thompson M1918 Annihilator I submachine gun (that is in the battlefield 1)

Winchester M1907-17 automatic carbine (that is in the battlefield 1)

Winchester-Burton M1917 automatic rifle (that is in the battlefield 1)

Browning M1918 automatic rifle (that is in the battlefield victory, battlefield 1942, battlefield 1918 modification and battlefield 1)

Lewis M1918 automatic rifle

Browning M1919A4 machine gun (that is in the battlefield victory and battlefield 1942 secret weapons of world war two)

Holt Steam Armored tractor 1918

Jehlik Armored tractor 1916

Davidson-Cadillac Armored car 1915

Mack Armored car 1916

Jeffery Armored car No.1 1916

Holt 150ton Field Monitor 1916

Holt Mark II 155mm self-propelled cannon 1918

Christie 8inch self-propelled howitzer 1918

Christie 155mm self-propelled cannon 1919

AMC Landcruiser 1915

Holt Gas Electric Tank 1917

SMCC Steam Tank 1918 (armed with four machine guns and one flamethrower)

Ford 3ton 1918

USS D2 Grayling submarine 1909

Gallaudet D-4 1918

Curtiss Eagle 1919 (enclosed flight deck)

Curtiss H-1 1914 (enclosed flight deck)

Burgess-Dunne 3 1910 (flying wing)

Burgess-Dunne AH-7 1914 (flying wing)

Lawson C-2 1919 (enclosed flight deck)


Hotchkis M1909 machine gun (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification and battlefield 1)

Hotchkis 37mm M1879 four barrel revolver cannon


Huot M1916 automatic rifle (that is in the battlefield 1)

Saczeany Armored personnel carrier 1918


Anonymous Concrete armored tractor

Hetherington Armored tractor 1914

Killen Strait Armored tractor 1915 (two versions armored tractor)
(those vehicles remind of command and conquer R.T.S.)

Ford T railcar 1916 (supply carrier)

Simplex 40hp half armored railtractor 1916 (supply carrier)

Simplex 40hp armored railtractor 1916 (supply carrier)

Sizaire-Berwick Wind wagon armored car 1915

Atherton Landship 1916

Wilson Foster Landship 1915

Mark IX Duck amphibious armored personnel carrier 1918

Crompton Emplacement Destroyer No.3 4.5inch self-propelled howitzer 1916

Gun carrier Mark I self-propelled gun 1917 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Wilson Tritton Little Willie tank 1915 (the front of the hull reminds of the starwars bipedal vehicle)

Wilson Tritton Lincoln No.1 tank 1915

Wilson Flotilla leader tank 1916

Kupchack Tank 1917

Tritton Chaser tank 1917

Mark A Whippet tank 1918 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Mark B tank 1918

Mark C tank 1918

Mark D tank 1918

Macfie Amphibious tank 1915

Macfie Landship 1916

HMS M1 submarine 1917 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification and has the hull of a USS Gato submarine of world war two)

HMA R29 1918

Avro F 1912 (enclosed flight deck)

Avro G 1912 (enclosed flight deck)

Sage 2 1916 (enclosed flight deck)

Dunne D5 1910 (flying wing)

Dunne D8 1913 (flying wing)

Felixstowe F.2A 1916 (enclosed flight deck)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Boulton Paul P.8 Atlantic 1919 (enclosed flight deck)

Kennedy Giant 1917 (enclosed flight deck)

Bristol 26 1919 (enclosed flight deck)

Wight Quadriplane 1916

Supermarine P.B.31E Nighthawk quadriplane 1917 (enclosed flight deck)


Armstrong Whitworth F.K.10 quadriplane 1916


Beretta M1918 submachine gun (that is in the battlefield 1)

Villar-Perosa M1918 submachine gun (single barrel version)

Rigotti M1895 automatic rifle (that is in the battlefield 1)

S.I.A. M1918 machine gun

Terni 305mm Stefano cannone 1916

ALFA 40-60hp 1913

Fiat 18BL 1914

Fiat Armored railtruck 1915

Lancia 1ZM armored car 1915

Isotta-Fraschini Armored car 1915

SPA 9000C 102-35 autocannone 1915

Lancia 1Z 75-27 autocannone 1918

Fiat 2000 1917

Ansaldo Turrinelli Landship 1916 (intended to be armed with ten machine guns and twelve flamethrowers)

Ansaldo Magrini Landship 1916

Spezia Fiat San Giorgio Fisalia submarine 1912

Caproni Ca.36S 1915 (enclosed flight deck)


Schneider Automitrailleuse No.15 1909

Schneider Automitrailleuse No.19 1909


TNCA Salinas tank 1917


Chauchat Ribeyrolles M1918 mitraillette pistolet (submachine gun)
(that is in the battlefield 1)

Ribeyrolles M1918 automatique carabine (that is in the battlefield 1)

Chauchat M1918 mitrailleuse

Berthier M1911 mitrailleuse (water cooled version)

Berthier M1908 mitrailleuse (air cooled version)

Darne M1916 mitrailleuse

Aubriot Gabet Armored tractor 1915

STG Filtz Armored tractor 1915

Frot-Turmel-Laffly Armored tractor 1915

Latil TAR 1916 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Berliet CBA 1914

Dion Bouton 75mm self-propelled AA gun 1913

Renault 47mm autocanon 1914

Schneider CD tractor 1916 (supply carrier)

Saint Chamond Supply carrier 1917

Renault FB gun carrier 1916

Renault FT supply tank 1918

Delaunay Belleville 155mm C self-propelled cannon 1918

Renault FT 75 BS 1917

Renault FT self-propelled gun 1918

Renault FT STA self-propelled gun 1918

Renault FT STAV self-propelled gun 1918

Saint Chamond 194mm GPF self-propelled cannon 1918

Saint Chamond 280mm TR self-propelled mortar 1918

Schneider 220mm L self-propelled cannon 1917

Saint Chamond Lourd automoteur self-propelled cannon 1918 (considering they managed to put a 280mm gun on a single chassis design, one can ponder what kind of weapon was expected to be carried by the double chassis project)

FCM A 1916

Poix Tank 1915

Aubriot Gabet Tank 1915

Delaunay Belleville 2.5t 1916

Delaunay Belleville Tank 1919

Peugeot Tank 1918

Renault FT 1916

Schneider CA2 first version 1917 (intended to be armed with two flamethrowers)

Schneider CA2 second version 1917

Schneider CA3 1033 1917

Schneider CA3 1050 1917

Schneider CA3 1058 1917

Dumay Amphibious landship 1918

Aubriot Gabet Landship 1915

Cherbourg Frimaire submarine 1911

Zodiac Spiess No.13 airship 1913

Brissard ducted-propeller monoplane 1914

De Bruyere C.1 1917

Arnoux Stabiloplane 1912 (flying wing)

Weymann W-1 1915

Papin & Rouilly Gyroptere 1915


Saint Chamond 142mm Delattre mortier 1915


Minerva Automitrailleuse 1914 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

S.A.V.A. Automitrailleuse 1914

Gerard et Salkin Gesa hydromonoplane 1912 (enclosed flight deck)


Pilsudski Armored car 1918


Jezail musket (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)


Nambu Type 3 machine gun 1914


Madsen M1896 semi automatic rifle

Madsen M1902 machine gun (that is in the battlefield 1)

HtK46 Armored car 1917


Steyr Hahn M1912-P16 machinen pistole (submachine gun)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification (and doesn't have its shoulder stock for the recoil) and battlefield 1)

Helriegel M1915 machinen pistole (submachine gun)
(that is in the battlefield 1)

Schnellwerfer (grenade mortar)

Skoda 3.7cm M1915 infanteriegeschutz (trench gun)

Romfell Panzerwagen 1915 (that is in the battlefield 1)

Junovicz Panzerwagen 1915 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Wimmer Panzerauto 1913

Kempner Panzerkraftwagen 1916

Gonsior-Opp-Frank Panzerkraftwagen 1916

MAVAG Typ AE panzerzug 1914 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Lohner L40 1915 (enclosed flight deck)


Furrer M1919 machinen pistole (submachine gun)


Coanda jet sleigh 1910 (jet engined)


Fedorov M1916 avtomat rifle (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification and battlefield 1)

Rosenberg 37mm trench gun 1915

Lebedenko Tsar, Netopyr armored tractor 1915 (two different versions?)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Filatov Armored tractor 1915 (cannon version and machine gun version)

Bylinski-Hansa-Lloyd Machine gun armored truck 1915

Bylinski-Hansa-Lloyd Cannon armored truck 1917

Russo Balt Armored car 1916

Russo Balt Izorski Mgebrov D armored car 1915

Russo Balt Izorski D armored car 1915

Russo Balt Izorski C armored car 1914 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Benz Mgebrov Armored car 1912 (maybe this was the "Hanomag Sonderkraftfahrzeug" of world war one)

Mannesmann Motoren und Lastwagen AG Izorski Armored truck 1916

Bylinski Mercedes Armored car 1915

Russo Balt T 76mm self-propelled AA gun 1915

Pakkul Landship 1915

Zaamurets Armored train 1916 (that is in the battlefield 1)

Blinov Steam tractor 1888

Maksimov Zhitonoski tankette 1919

Porokovskikov Vezdekhod tank 1915

Rybinsk 20ton, Reno Russkiy Tank 1915

Baltic Bars submarine 1914

Russo Balt Gigant airship 1915

Kasyanenko 5 1917

Grigorovich MK-1 1916 (enclosed flight deck)

Slesarev Svyatogor 1914 (enclosed flight deck)

Sikorsky S-22 1913 (enclosed flight deck)
(that is in the battlefield 1)

Savelyev Quadriplane 1916


Bergmann machinen pistole MP18-I 1918 (submachine gun)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification and battlefield 1)

Becker 2cm M2 tankabwehrgewehr 1916 (antitank version)
(that is in the battlefield 1)

Becker 2cm M2 flugzeugabwehrgewehr 1916 (antiairplane version)
(that is in the battlefield 1)

Bergmann machinen gewehr MG15 neuer art 1915 (air cooled version)
(that is in the battlefield 1)

Gast M1916 machinen gewehr

Fokker-Leimberger M1916 machinen gewehr

Rheinmetall 3.7cm M1918 tankabwehrkanone (antitank gun)

Krupp 3.7cm L-14.5 sockelflugzeugabwehrkanone (antiairplane gun) 1917

Gruson 5.3cm L-24 fahrpanzer 1892 (that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Treffas Wagen 1917 (armored tractor)
(that is in the battlefield 1918 modification)

Nacke 5t 1915

Opel 4t 1915 (maybe this was the "Opel Blitz" of world war one)

Daimler Marienwagen II halbspur 1916 (halftrack)

Daimler Panzerautomobil 1915

Daimler Marienwagen II gepanzerter halbspur 1917 (armored  halftrack)

Bussing A5P panzerautomobil, strasenpanzerwagen 1915 (that is in the battlefield the great war modification)

Ehrhardt E-V-4 strasenpanzerwagen, radpanzer 1915 (a very difficult to find rare early version)

Ehrhardt E-V-4 strasenpanzerwagen, radpanzer 1917 (that is in the battlefield the great war modification, battlefield 1918 modification and battlefield 1)

Ehrhardt Gepanzerter triebwagen 1917 (armored railcar)

Mannesmann Motoren und Lastwagen AG Panzerkraftwagen 1916

Lanz Gleiskettenschlepper 1918 (supply carrier)

Goebel Landpanzerkreuzer 1917 (possibly it was intended as a troop carrier)

A7V Uberlandwagen 76.2mm flugzeugabwehrkanone 1918 (maybe this was the "Flakpanzer" of world war one)

A7V Heidi 1919

Daimler Sturmwagen 1918

Krupp Wagen 1918

Leicht kampfwagen LK.I machinen gewehr 1918

Leicht kampfwagen LK.II kanone 1918

Leicht kampfwagen LK.II machinen gewehr 1918

Leicht kampfwagen LK.III kanone 1918

Oberschlesien Sturmpanzerwagen 1918

Orion Wagen II 1917 (two versions)

Orion Wagen III 1918

Daimler Marienwagen I gepanzerter, Bremer Wagen 1916 (armed with four machine guns and one flamethrower)

U-boat Typ U-160 1917

Zeppelin LZ-114 L-72 1918

Junkers R.I 1917 (enclosed flight deck)

Zeppelin Dornier RS.V second version 1918 (enclosed flight deck)

Adlershof R eindecker 1918 (enclosed flight deck)
(nearly the wing span of the Kawanishi KX-3 and nearly the length of the Antonov An-225)

Zeppelin Dornier RS.I 1915 (enclosed flight deck)

Siemens Schuckert SSW R.III 1916 (enclosed flight deck)

Zschach Flying boat 1918 (enclosed flight deck)

Zeppelin Staaken R.VI 1916 (enclosed flight deck)
(that is in the battlefield the great war modification)

Siemens Schuckert SSW Forssman R second version 1915 (enclosed flight deck)

Linke Hoffmann R.I 1917 (enclosed flight deck)

Neuber R 1917 (enclosed flight deck)

Siemens Schuckert SSW R.IX 1918 (enclosed flight deck)

Adlershof R doppeldecker 1918 (enclosed flight deck)

Mannesmann Forssman Dreidecker 1918 (enclosed flight deck)

Naglo D.II vierdecker 1918

Friedrichshafen FF54 vierdecker 1917


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