
Sunday, 2 October 2016

some rare buses and trucks of world war two era with flushed headlights to the fenders or the hull


ACF Brill 29-P 1940

ACF Brill 37-PB 1940

White 705 1937

White 788 1937

Garwood CTF 1937

Garwood EFS 1938

General Motors Futurliner 1936

YCMC 715 1935

YCMC 731 1936

YCMC 740 1937

YCMC PDG-3701 1941

YCMC PG-2903 1942

Ford Transit 1935

Ford Transit 1939

Ford Transit 09-B 1941

Ford G8T 1943

Dittmar DL-195 1935

Pacific M26A1 1943

Chevrolet 3116 1943

Chevrolet CMP 1940

Chevrolet G7132 1943


Bedford OX 1939

Albion B119 1935


Fiat 626NM 1939

Fiat 628N 1939

Alfa Romeo 400 1939

Alfa Romeo 500 1939

Alfa Romeo 800 1939

Isotta-Fraschini D65 1939


Renault AHS 1939

Renault AGK 1937 (that is in the battlefield battlegroup42 modification)

Renault AGP85 1937

Renault R206 E1 1945


Kromhout 5LW 1936

Kromhout TB-4 1937

Kromhout TB-4S 1940

Kromhout Egmo 12 1938

Kromhout B-7669 1924


Austro-Daimler ADZK 1937


Saurer M6 (6M) 1940

nazi German

Rumpler V31 1931

Krupp 08-N63 1931

Krupp OD4-N132 1936

Bussing Verheul HBBM 1937

Mercedes LO3100 1934

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