
Sunday, 2 October 2016

some rare guided and unguided projectiles of world war two era


Northrop JB-1 Jet bomb (surface to surface)

Northrop JB-10 Buzz bomb (surface to surface)

Aeronca GB-6 (air to surface)

Aeronca GB-8 (air to surface)

WFEL JB-4 (surface to surface, air to surface)

Hughes JB-3 (air to air)


Bellonzo Turboproietti (turbine projectile)
(surface to surface, surface to airplane)


Roy Aerial torpedo first version (air to surface)

Roy Aerial torpedo second version (air to surface)


Yokosuka Kugisho MXY7 Type 53 Ohka unmanned (air to surface)

Mitsubishi Ki-148 I-Go-1B (air to surface)

Funryu 2 (surface to airplane)

Kawasaki Ki-147 I-Go-1A (air to surface)
(that is in the battlefield victory)

nazi German

Vril Verteidiger unmanned weapon

EMW Flunder panzerabwehrwaffen (surface to tank)

Ruhrstahl Kramer SD 1400, Ruhrstahl Kramer X-1, Fritz X (air to ship)

Ruhrstahl Kramer 347, Ruhrstahl Kramer X-7 (air to tank)

Henschel Hs 117 (surface to airplane, air to air)

Henschel Hs 293A-0 (air to ship)

Henschel Hs 293C-1 (air to ship)
(that is in the battlefield forgotten hope secret weapons modification)

Henschel Hs 294 (air to ship)

Henschel Hs 295 (air to ship)

Henschel Hs 298 (air to air)

Henschel Hs GT 1200 (air to ship)

Henschel Zitterrochen (air to surface)

Rheinmetall-Borsig Rheintochter R-I (surface to airplane)

Rheinmetall-Borsig Rheinbote (surface to surface)

Rheinmetall-Borsig Hecht (surface to airplane)

Blohm & Voss BV 143A (air to ship)

Blohm & Voss BV 143B (air to ship)

Blohm & Voss BV L10 (air to ship)

Luftfahrt Forschungsanstalt Braunschweig Volkenrode LT 9.2 (air to ship)

Miethe Elektrische luft turbine unmanned V-7

Messerschmitt Enzian E-4 (surface to airplane)

for the other nazi German guided and unguided projectile projects look at:

and at:

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